Our Future Distillery -

The Foundations


Whitby Distillery is designed to be an inspirational building that has minimal environmental impact.  We are taking a ‘fabric first’ approach to refurbishment to improve the energy efficiency. Waste water from the distilling process will be used where possible to irrigate plants and the vegetated roof. The heat extracted from this water will be used to warm the building. Green roofs will be planted with wild flowers to nurture the natural plants and wildlife. Hidden roof solar PV panels will generate electricity on site. Building materials can have high carbon footprints so materials have been selected that have low levels of embodied carbon.


Our ethos at Whitby Distillery is to ensure that we use innovation whilst staying true to the craft. The new distillery will allow us to upscale our business capabilities and continue to build an iconic brand which is truthful to its origin and loved by our customers. The new site will lead the way in green technologies whilst using a traditional distilling technique to create new spirits.


The site aims to educate and inspire guardians of Whitby by highlighting the importance of ocean clean ups and recycling.  It will employ local people and train them in areas such as distilling, manufacturing, quality assurance and business studies. When not being used for tours we hope the distillery will be utilised by the local community to host events and exhibitions.


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